
NZSI Newsletter 1986 July Volume 8

EditorialChristine McKenzie
Reflects on the growth of the Suzuki movement in New Zealand, challenges teachers to embrace the Suzuki philosophy, and welcomes Kerry Langdon, the country’s first violin graduate from Matsumoto.

Dr. Suzuki Says
Encourages listening as a core aspect of music learning and explores its role in fostering sensitivity and tone production.

Agenda for 1986 Annual General Meeting
Details for the AGM, including the election of officers and committee members.

Kerry Langdon
Celebrates the return of New Zealand’s first violin graduate from Matsumoto and provides a contact for potential teaching opportunities.

News from the Executive

  • Teacher Accreditations: Congratulations to newly accredited piano teachers.
  • Graduation Tapes: Guidance on using review tapes to enhance musicality and tonal beauty.
  • Subsidies for Teacher Trainees: Announcement of a support system for participants in training programs.

Annual Conference Details
Highlights the schedule for the 1986 conference in Napier, including masterclasses, concerts, and social events.

Conference Welcome LetterDavid Prebensen (Mayor of Napier)
Welcomes Suzuki families to Napier and shares the city’s attractions.

Barbara Ker’s Reflections on Japan
Shares insights from her time studying at the Talent Education Institute in Matsumoto and her thesis on the Suzuki Method.

Stop Press
Announces special performances by Australian Suzuki violinists and pianists at upcoming events.

Regional Reports
a. Hawkes Bay Branch: Updates on the annual general meeting, monthly concerts, and preparations for the Napier conference.
b. Hamilton Branch: Recap of recent workshops and announcements for an advanced student recital.
c. Auckland Branch: Plans for a public concert, a piano recital featuring Eric Mitchell’s students, and updates on the regional library.
d. Tauranga Area News: Family concert dates and venue details.

Workshop Recap – Directions in Music Education
A summary of a successful Havelock North workshop that combined multiple teaching approaches for piano and other instruments.

For Sale
Listings of instruments and other Suzuki-related items for sale.


By Christine McKenzie

Five years ago, my eldest child began Suzuki piano, and thus I got caught up in the organisation to publish a simple two-page newsletter. The task grew, with the membership, from 250 copies to nearly 800 today.

Sadly, with the enormous growth, we cannot boast of more than a handful of people who have studied at Matsumoto, and only two graduates thus far.

At this point, a sincere and warm welcome to Kerry Langdon, who is the first N.Z. violinist to graduate from Matsumoto and return here.

I hope that in years to come, teachers will make the supreme effort to learn to teach in the Suzuki tradition, becoming purists in this philosophy, and encourage their pupils to continue on.

Yet, herein lies the Catch-22. These young children cannot continue on in Suzuki if their teachers themselves do not feel confident to teach the advanced pupils the Suzuki Method. And if the teachers make no effort to learn to do so, then where is Suzuki going? Is it just a ‘bandwagon’ to gather in a few more pupils, to earn more money; or is it really a philosophy—something we believe in—talent, education, learning through love, graduation tapes—the lot?

Yours to ponder,

Kerry Langdon

It is with pleasure that the Hamilton Branch welcomes the return of this young lady. Kerry has been in Matsumoto (Japan) for the last three years and is the FIRST N.Z. VIOLIN GRADUATE to return to this country.

Kerry is as yet undecided about her career and is considering teaching from Hamilton.

Anyone in need of a teacher, please ring her at 08225 663 to help her to gauge the viability of such a venture.

It is believed that New Plymouth is also endeavouring to attract Kerry to teach in their area.

News from Executive


Belinda CooperStep 1Piano
Pauline GroganStep 1Piano
Jan HendersonStep 3Piano
Hazel RogganStep 2Piano
Gwen ShortStep 2Piano
Daphne StevensStep 3Piano
Pauline SmithStep 2Piano
Camilla DadsonStep 2Piano

Graduation Tapes

In your practice, try to match yourself with the tape in beautiful tone and fine expression through sound.

Have students practice the graduation pieces daily with the tape for musical education, and at the same time help them learn to express with the tape the beautiful tone and skillful dynamics taught by the teacher.

It is my pleasure that graduation tape performances have become more musical each year. It is not enough merely to play without mistakes; I listen to your tapes enjoying the beauty of tone and the skill in dynamic expression, primary factors determining the level of each student.

Practice with care for your teacher’s instructions concerning tonal beauty and musical singing. If you do, I will know that you are a student with a well-developed sense of music.

In the Suzuki Method, the first goal is to beautifully foster musical sensibility. It also reflects the instructor’s skill.

I would like each of you students to practice well to refine your musical sensibility instead of being satisfied with merely being able to play the piece, and send me a beautiful, musical graduation tape. I will be looking forward. Taping for graduation is good for every student’s study; it helps create ability. Let as many students graduate as possible. The ones who graduate students are their teachers; my role is simply to sanction it.

(“Talent Education Journal (1986) No.24, P.45”)

Conference Information

A warm welcome to all those who are coming to our Annual Conference. We are looking forward to hosting you in the knowledge that you will have a rewarding and enriching experience with us.

Since our last newsletter, we have had confirmation from Kathy Sayers (née Shelhart) that she is looking forward to being here. Probably because you did not know this, cello enrollments are a little low. Please reconsider and send in your application immediately—we still have vacancies. However, piano enrollments closed July 30th.

We would also welcome more Teacher Trainees—make the most of the opportunity to study with highly experienced tutors.

Those attending Conference – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

  • Don’t forget to bring your own towels!


  • 1–4 PM: Teacher Training.
  • 4 PM: Enrollments in the School Hall.
  • 7 PM: Official Opening in the School Hall; welcome to overseas tutors, play-in for students (bring your own instruments).


  • MONDAY 1st SEPTEMBER: 7 PM Annual General Meeting (voting by membership card only).
  • TUESDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER: 7:30 PM Visit to Ian Appleton’s Piano Workshop.
  • WEDNESDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER: 7 PM (to be arranged).
  • THURSDAY 4th SEPTEMBER: 6:30 PM Public Concert, Municipal Theatre, Napier.
    (Please bring black & white formal performance wear, if at all possible. All string players will be involved in group items.)


  • 9 AM–12 Noon: Group lessons and Chamber Music. (Pre-Twinklers at 10 AM).
  • 12–1 PM: Lunch.
  • 1–2 PM: Concerts.
  • 2–5 PM: Private Lessons, Teacher Training.

Students are free to enjoy activities such as Dolphins, Aquarium, Kiwi House, and Lilliput Village, etc.

Conference (cont…)

All students are asked to prepare a piece for a solo performance, in consultation with your teacher.

  • Senior students: Please bring a labeled music stand.
  • This programme is a draft only, and final details will be given to each student on arrival.


  • Omitted from the application form: Children: all meals included – $21.00/day.
  • Meals will be available, but payment must be made by 8:45 AM on the day required (in the hall).
  • NOTE: The 5% reduction was on tuition only; some inadvertently deducted from board also.

As the final concert is at 6:30 PM Thursday, some of you may wish to book an extra night’s accommodation. Our overseas tutors have agreed to perform at this concert.

Creche Facilities

Creche facilities could be available if you notify the committee in advance.

Secretary: Mrs. S. Holderness, 6 Colenso Ave, Napier.

Please make use of the creche, as noisy toddlers are very distracting to children participating in classes and equally distracting to parents listening to tutors and lecturers. Also, it would be appreciated if parents would not place unenrolled siblings into activity groups.

Remember to Bring:

  • Notebooks, pencils, eraser, music, stand (senior students only).

Please contact our secretary if you are willing to help in any way with the running of the Conference.

Flute Repeat Tapes

Flute repeat tapes are now available from:
Ms. Karen Neupert
10 Maule Place
Hamilton, Phone: 071 57959

Barbara Ker

When I returned from nine and a half months in Japan in June 1984, I was asked to write something for the ‘Newsletter.’ Here is a very late contribution but timed to round off that marvellous episode in my life, for my study at the Talent Education Institute in Matsumoto was partly for the purpose of writing a thesis on the Suzuki Method for the completion of my Masters Degree.

Soon, a copy (with xeroxed photos only) will be in each of the Suzuki Branch Libraries and available to anyone who cares to borrow it. (The originals are at the Music School Library).

The thesis is not meant to be a history, so please enjoy it for what it is—my personal interpretation of the Suzuki Method as I have experienced it in 1983-84 and my belief in its application to the New Zealand society.

There are many photos, and yet a large number had to be left out, so again, please see the illustrations as representative only. As a Teacher Trainer, I am happy to have been able to include Miss Mori’s teaching of young children, for it is that detail that I have found invaluable in my own teaching.

Something that is not said in the Foreword is that it was only when the University Senate was able to see ‘something happening locally’ that I was granted permission to present a thesis on the topic of the Suzuki Method. Some of the children (and parents) will recall that concert at the University in 1982 which helped me gain that permission. Thank you for helping it all to happen.

Yours sincerely,
Barbara Ker

“Feel the dignity of a child. Do not feel superior to him, for you are not.”
—Robert Henri


Mr. Nakamura will be accompanying some child violinists from Australia.

A unique opportunity to hear advanced Suzuki violinists, as well as Eric Mitchell’s pianists.

Summer String Camp

The Summer String Camp will be held from 25th–30th January at Keswick.

An added plus is Nehama Patkin, who will be teaching music and movement to Piano Teacher Trainees from 27th–30th January.

(Piano Teacher Trainees will be at the same venue and accommodated at the adjacent hotel.)

Havelock North Workshop Recap

The “Directions in Music Education for Children” workshop held in Havelock North on Queen’s Birthday weekend under the direction of Mayme Earle was a great success, enjoyed by all judging from the feedback received from workshop tutors, teachers, parents, and pupils.

The Havelock North High School venue provided a superb setting with its new auditorium, grand piano, and excellent classroom facilities nearby.

The workshop aroused great interest locally and nationally, its main aim being to bring together quite different approaches and methods to teaching music (particularly piano), to stimulate communication and sharing of ideas, and to combine the positives of different methods where practical for the ultimate benefit of the pupil.

Presenters included:

  • Maurice Collier: “Matthay Method” for piano.
  • Barbara Ker, Joachim Neupert, and Mayme Earle: “Suzuki Method.”
  • Raewyn Jarnabl: Releasing Technique for Movement Studies.
  • Michael Earle: Suzuki Early Education and Parenting Skills (educational psychologist).
  • Karen Neupert: Flute and Recorder sessions.

The workshop ended with a delightful and enjoyable concert presented by some tutors and pupils.

The whole weekend provided much inspiration and food for thought. Some workshop tutors are considering the continuation of their professional contact with a view to researching ideas and combining their knowledge and skills.

The overall organization and presentation were excellent, and the parents from Mayme’s studio deserve recognition for their hard-working efforts in fundraising and managing workshop-related tasks. They gave an excellent demonstration of the Suzuki philosophy in action.

Tauranga Area News

Family Concerts

Dates for upcoming family concerts have been announced. All concerts will take place at the Greerton Senior Citizens Hall at 3:00 PM on the following dates:

  • August 2: Contact Joanne McLeod, Phone: 31225
  • October 4: Contact Kath Ellison, Phone: 480804
  • December 6: Contact Adrienne McCarthy, Phone: 63663

Auckland Branch News

The A.G.M. of the Auckland Branch will be held at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, 19th August, in St. Paul’s Church Lounge, St Vincent’s Avenue, Remuera.

Both Margaret Vuzcich (President) and Stephen Hall (Secretary/Treasurer) are resigning, and people with time available are sought to fill their roles. Nominations will be called for at the meeting.

Following the meeting, there will be a “Parents Play-In.” (Please bring your instruments.)

Piano Recital by Eric Mitchell’s Students

This recital will take place at the David Beattie Centre, Dilworth School, Erin Street, Epsom, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, 26th August.

Three Australian Suzuki students will present a wide-ranging programme. These students began studying piano by the Suzuki Method at the age of five and are now accomplished pianists.

Their teacher, Mr. Eric Mitchell, from Tasmania, is visiting New Zealand as a guest tutor at the Annual NZ Suzuki Institute Conference and will continue on to Dunedin at the invitation of the Institute of Registered Music Teachers.

Public Concert

Planning is well underway for a Public Concert to be held on October 4th at 6:30 PM in the Centennial Theatre, Auckland Grammar School. Tickets will be available from your teachers.

Regional Library Update

The new Auckland Librarian is:
Mrs. Ruth Ormond
44 Maclaurin Street
Blockhouse Bay

Books Available for Borrowing

  • More Than Music
  • Mommy, Can We Practise Now?
  • No H in Snake
  • The Pre-Twinkle Book
  • Nurtured By Love
  • To Learn With Love
  • I Love to Practice
  • Inner Game of Tennis
  • Where Love is Deep
  • The Suzuki Concept
  • Rarely Too Young and Never Too Old to Twinkle
  • Ability Development from Age Zero
  • Kindergarten is Too Late
  • A Parent’s Guide to the Suzuki Method
  • The Suzuki Violinist
  • In the Suzuki Style

Journals Available for Borrowing

  • Talent Education Journal
  • Suzuki World
  • Ability Development (British Suzuki Institute)
  • European Suzuki Journal
  • American Suzuki Journal

Note: Copies of journals prior to 1985 are available from the Hamilton Library only.

Hamilton Branch News

Suzuki Student Recital

Three advanced students of Eric Mitchell (Tasmania) will be performing one concert only in Hamilton. This is a rare opportunity to see and hear advanced Suzuki Piano.

  • Date: Wednesday, 27th August 1986
  • Time: 7:30 PM
  • Venue: Morrison Memorial Theatre, Hillcrest High School, Masters Ave, Hamilton
  • Prices:
    • Adults: $3.00
    • Members: $2.00
    • Children: $1.00

Admission by programme, available at the door.

Recent Workshop Success

A workshop at W.T.I. earlier this month drew 95 enrolments, despite poor weather conditions.

The branch has also purchased a full set of percussion instruments, which have proven very popular among teachers. These instruments have been borrowed continually since their purchase.

Hawkes Bay Branch News

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Hawkes Bay Branch will be held at:
Napier Central School, Napier Terrace, Napier.

  • Date: Wednesday, 20th August 1986
  • Time: 7:30 PM

Nomination forms for Committee Members are available from the Secretary:
Mrs. S. Holderness

Monthly Concerts

The branch continues its tradition of holding monthly concerts, combining students from various teachers.

Much of the branch’s efforts are currently focused on organising Conference ’86 in Napier.

Conference ’86 in Napier

Dates: Sunday, 31st August – Thursday, 4th September, 8:00 PM
Venue: Napier Girls’ High School, Clyde Road, Napier

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