Branches of the NZSI

Branches of the NZSI offer members:

  1. Regular workshops during school holidays, sourcing Suzuki tutors from throughout NZ and overseas.
  2. Music camps that the entire family may attend.
  3. Opportunities for students at all levels of the Suzuki repertoire to perform at concerts.
  4. The opportunity to attend parent information and education meetings.
  5. Access to Suzuki library resources.
  6. In some cases branches facilitate orchestra training and ensemble experience for student members.
  7. On-going professional development is provided by the NZSI to teacher members in the interests of maintaining and increasing professional standards.

Branch Delegates

Auckland Branch
Rachel Braly
Alison Salmons
Bay of Plenty Branch
Therese Ahlers
Kathryn McMillan
Kathy Stewart
Hamilton Branch
Bridget Troy-Cronin
Anna-Marie Alloway
Hawkes Bay Branch

Helena Kerr
Nicky Spicer
Northland Branch

Heidi Bosniakowski
Felicity Wooding
South Island Branch

Claire Cameron
Lorenz Weston-Salzer
Wellington Branch

Eric Baker
Royden Smith

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