Student Graduations

Submissions for the 15 November 2024 graduation period are now being accepted. Please note the graduation due dates have changed.

The graduation process gives students the opportunity to work carefully and deliberately on milestone pieces within the repertoire.  Milestone pieces were chosen throughout the repertoire that demonstrate accomplishment and skill development. The graduation pieces are not an indication of book completion, rather an opportunity to share character and ability developed through dedication. 

Graduation is a celebration of the work the child, parent and teacher have done together. The student records the milestone piece with the help of their teacher and parent to submit to our Suzuki Listeners.  The Listeners for NZSI student graduations are NZSI registered trainers and experienced teachers who have undertaken professional development in graduation assessment.  On the completion of their graduation they receive a report and certificate, and the accomplishment is published in the NZSI Journal.

Benefits of participating in the Suzuki Graduation Process:

  • Provides a goal for students
  • Offers students an opportunity to share their hardwork with others
  • Gives a personal record for posterity
  • Each graduate receives a report

Deadlines for Submissions:

Graduation submissions are due by 15 June and 15 November each calendar year.  The deadline will be strictly adhered to in order to facilitate the listening process.

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