Suzuki in the media

Hawke’s Bay Today: Suzuki pupils show their skills on performance day

  • Hawke’s Bay Today
  • 30 Apr 2016
  • By Jonathan Dine
PITCH PERFECT: Quinn Le Lievre is a picture of concentration.

Young musicians from around the country have been treated to quality tuition this week as Napier Girls’ High was transformed into a musical hub.

The Hawke’s Bay Suzuki Workshop has been running in Napier and will culminate with a final performance today.

The Play-Out Concert kicks off at 2.30pm in the Napier Girls’ High School hall.

More than 60 students and 180 participants including parents, caregivers, and siblings have enjoyed a busy few days of music and concerts.

Hawke’s Bay Suzuki publicity officer Susy Allen said she had seen some “stunning” talent during the workshop.

“It’s been great to see them really enjoying music.” Susy Allen, Hawke’s Bay Suzuki publicity officer

“It’s been such a productive and exciting week.

We had the musicians who ranged from 3 years old to 14, had been amazing.
It’s been great to see them really enjoying music.”

Daily activities have included master classes, group lessons, yoga, theatre sports, orchestra, parent accompaniment, and extended repertoire classes.

“It hasn’t all been music,” Ms Allen said.

The week saw three international and seven local tutors imparting their wisdom.

Hirona Goto, Zohara Rotem and Julia Breen have come from Australia while Lisa McFall, Rachael Freeth, Amalia Hall, Bridget Douglas, Anne Ferrier, Richard Mapp and Anna-Marie Alloway represented New Zealand.

Local tutors were Hawke’s Bay’s own Karen Keyes and Jan Becker.

Another part of the workshop has been the “parent teacher training”.

“Parents could enjoy the week for some Suzuki teacher training with Hirona Goto,” Ms Allen said.

Allen said today’s concert will offer the chance for students to showcase what they’ve learnt.

“We have approximately 150 seats, so it will be a full house,” she said.

Today’s free concert is at 2.30pm at Napier Girls’ High School hall.

Article Name:Suzuki pupils show their skills on performance day

Publication:Hawke’s Bay Today

Author:By Jonathan Dine

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