Articles 1990

Branch news v1 n1

Auckland Branch News

“1990 begins with a reduction in student places available for Suzuki violin. Hopefully, this shortage will soon be met. Sophie Hartigan hopes to have an overseas Suzuki teacher working with her in the near future, and new teacher trainees are studying under Joachim Neupert. We will hear more about this later in the year.

Sophie Hartigan and nine of her students, heavily disguised as sailors, played Christmas carols aboard the ‘Little Toot’ float in the Farmer’s Santa parade last November. Fellow Suzuki-ites who turned up to watch were delighted to hear familiar tunes amidst all the din of the marching bands.

Her studio’s busking efforts last December raised over $100 for Greenpeace, which was gratefully received. The experience led to several converted buskers who subsequently cajoled weary parents to take them out busking individually.

On Sunday 18th February, Sophie’s studio played at the Teddy Bears’ Picnic in the Auckland Domain. A row of teddys listened attentively in the front. One lady in the audience remarked that hearing the children play so beautifully made her whole day worthwhile. It is rewarding for the children to be able to contribute to other people’s enjoyment as well as their own.

Sophie will be taking a maternity break from mid-April for a couple of months. Sabine Goor from Dublin, Ireland, will be coming to NZ to teach for her during this period. Sabine is a highly qualified Suzuki violin and viola teacher. She did her Suzuki training with Phillipa Lees in Cork, Ireland. She has worked with Dr. Suzuki at conferences in Cork and Matsumoto. Sabine will be available during the Easter Break and for long weekends during April, May, and June to give workshops.

If you would be interested in inviting Sabine to conduct a workshop in your area, please contact Sophie Hartigan at (09) 833 6871 or write to P.O. Box 21-348, Henderson, Auckland.

A warm welcome to Robert Wakely, who has recently come to N.Z. to work with Joachim Neupert. Robert studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and from there went to Bermuda and developed a string Suzuki program. He then went to Matsumoto and studied under Dr. Suzuki, graduating last year. His studio is now in Grey Lynn. We hope his stay in N.Z. is a long one.

Piano teacher training is also underway this year. For those interested, please contact Rosemary Cooper at 864-535.

Thanks to the efforts of Ruth Ormond, a very good library is available to Auckland members. A $500 Auckland Savings Bank library donation has also helped supply some new titles.

Ruth would now like to stand down from this responsibility, and so we would like to hear from somebody willing to take over this worthwhile job. Offers, please, to the secretary at 570-4196.

The Auckland Branch Concert will be at the Auckland Girls Grammar School at 2 pm on 23rd June, so keep this date free!”

Letter from the Auckland Branch Librarian:

“To Auckland Branch members,

Firstly, I would like to apologize to you all for being pretty inefficient in my job as librarian during the last year. I got myself fairly heavily loaded up with other Suzuki activities towards the end of 1988, and thought that I could devote my spare time last year to library work. However, no sooner was Dr. Suzuki’s visit over, than my mother became very ill, and I have even less time than ever. To those of you who have been frustrated by the time it is taking to receive books; I’m sorry. I’m still trying, and hopefully will start coping better from now on. To those of you that haven’t been put out because you are not reading – it’s time you did!

Secondly, with my present commitments, I am struggling to do the job properly; so if you have some time to spare, and would like to be a Suzuki librarian, please let me know. The position is a voluntary one, very interesting, and in fact not as onerous as my inability to do it well at the moment might suggest. Any changeover would have to be approved by the Auckland Branch Committee.

Ruth Ormond.”

Hamilton Branch News

“Hamilton Branch concluded a successful year with a concert, sausage sizzle, and Father Christmas on the second of December at Hillcrest High. This event was the culmination of a busy end-of-year schedule that had included humorous studio concerts and a play-out at the Garden World Expo in Hamilton Gardens. This event was well-received but spoiled to some degree by a heavy downpour just as the children struck the first note. All retired to a nearby tent and played to the rain. It was very well-received.

A parents’ evening was held in November to discuss the method and introduce interested parents to the people involved in Hamilton.

The first Branch meeting is scheduled for late in February, where the year’s program will be finalized. It looks like a challenging year ahead for all, and Hamilton Branch wishes all Suzuki folk the compliments of the Season.”

South Island Branch News

“The 3rd South Island Summer Camp, held January 15–20, 1990, was stimulating and enjoyable. The Committee worked very hard to ensure the success of the camp, and thus the meetings at the end of 1989 related to its organization. Having two overseas tutors was a costly exercise, but without a doubt, Mr. Nakamura and Miss Aber were appreciated by all.

For the first term of 1990, the committee will be working towards holding a piano workshop. We hope this will stimulate teachers to teach Suzuki piano (particularly in Christchurch) and provide an opportunity for those on the West Coast learning Suzuki piano to take part in a workshop.

A violin workshop is planned for the May holidays in conjunction with the Wellington Branch, with Sabine Goor as guest tutor.

Executive Members South Island Branch NZSI 1989/90
Chairperson: Lois Routledge, Christchurch
Treasurer/Secretary: Alastair Sands, Christchurch
Minutes Secretary: Judith Butler, Christchurch
Committee Members: Lyn Mould, Val Scott, Marilyn Petrie, Bob Norish, Nicky Adams, Ngaira Oates, Jill Stevenson, Barbara Hassall, and Gill Connell.”

Wellington Branch News

“A telephone tree for teachers was set up. Teachers’ meetings are to be held on Friday mornings, the week before the Branch Meeting, from 12–1:30 pm at 74 Nicholson Road, Khandallah.

We have been approached for items for the Sesqui Opening Concert on February 23rd, 7:30–9:30 pm, to be held at the Main Stage. Ann Goodbehere prepared the program based on recommendations by teachers.

1990 Conference
The venue is now the Wellington Teachers College of Education. The program is beginning to take shape and promises to be one of the best yet held. Keep watching this space for more details.

Profile of Branch Chairman Stephen Coward
‘I have children involved in Suzuki violin and piano tuition. My involvement in the Branch is a way of giving them support, as well as having input into the growth of the Branch. I am currently Director of an alternative school in Wellington.’

Branch Address: P.O. Box 1226, WELLINGTON.”

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