Articles 1989

President’s Report v11 n3

Firstly I would like to thank all those who participated in the innumerable round of meetings held at the Napier Conference. I would like to congratulate the Napier Branch for a very well run conference, complimented by a very good selection of overseas and local tutors. From the comments I have received the enthusiasm was not even dampened by the weather.

We now have a new Executive whose task it is to lead the Institute through the next year. Before going on to look at the tasks before us I would like to thank and make mention of the enthusiasm and drive of the Past President in bringing Dr Suzuki to New Zealand in January.

This was a rare and unique opportunity made possible by Jerome and his team. I also commend members for their assistance in meeting the shortfall in expenses from the event. The raffle was run with the objective of raising sufficient funds to meet the shortfall. This objective has been realised and the Dr Suzuki Visit Account now has a surplus. Details will be forwarded to Branch Secretaries in due course.

Of more concern now is the Institute’s financial situation. Our working capital is minimal and I encourage you to please send membership renewals in as soon as possible so that we can function effectively.

Summer camps in the North and South Island are now well into the final planning stages. Overseas tutors will be shared with both venues and details will be found elsewhere in this newsletter. In order to assist the programme coordinators please send early so that they can sort out classes to the best advantage of the students.

The major business that your Executive is involved with at present is the amendment to the Constitution in line with the submissions made by the membership. Mr Buck Page of Wellington is coordinating this effort and will be forwarding his findings and recommendations on behalf of the Executive to the Branch Chairpersons.

The one matter now substantially resolved and co-ordinated by Gillian Bibby is the revised Teacher Training Scheme. A discussion document was prepared and discussed with teachers at the Napier Conference. Since that time a compilation has been done to be sent to the Teacher Trainers for final consideration.

Finally and in order to ensure a smooth running organization please communicate any concerns and ideas you may have regarding the operation of the NZSI to your Branch Chairperson or Iris Apiti, the Institute Secretary.

The next Executive meeting will be on Sunday 4th February 1990.

Yours in Suzuki,
Donald Carter

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